Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thursday's moan

7th January.

Is it already a week into 2010? Crikey! I'm having trouble even finding this page to write my blogs on and everyone who has kindly left comments, I can't find my way back to answer them :(

Anyway, yesterday was not a good day (whine whine) I scooted over to a nearby town called Beaudesert ( pronounced beau-des-ert accent on des) to do my fortnightly 3 hour stink at the Animal Welfare League op shop. For those who don't know op shops, they're secondhand clothing and furniture stores. This is a little narrow cubby hole packed with clothes and nick nacks. We had a reasonably good day, but I ended up very bored. I'm not usually bored, but couldn't wait to get home. And when I did get home, there was a rejection letter from a literary agent waiting for me. Not a good day, as I said. However, it's only the first I've received since I tarted up the novel. My friends on the Nextbigwriter site shook me out, dusted me off and sent me back out to "fight ze bull!" Coming, bull!!!

Today we're going into town, Ipswich, grocery shopping early. Put the rats out on the back landing so we'd better be home early. Australia is in summer - I feel almost sorry for those of you who are knee deep in snow, except when it's 40 deg celcius here! Actually it hasn't been that hot for a few weeks now thank goodness. It's been raining buckets and the farmers out west are delighted, when they're not mourning their lost livestock. I always feel sorriest for the animals because they are so helpless. People can always reason things out and know when to scarper. Animals are so dependent on whether a farmer can get to them, whether there's higher graound to stand on and when they do find it, they sometimes have to stand there until they get footrot and have to be shot. Oh dear. As a farmer's daughter I understand all this but we lived in a valley in the mountains in northern New South Wales and didn't get flooded.

So better get ready, because I can hear Andrew glumpping around upstairs doing the washing up (as every good man should) and he'll want to get going shortly. We sop at Aldi, a great store where we can save 40-50 dollars a week over Woolworths and Coles. Great place and all their choccies are European!!!!

I'd better get my CDs and program out for my radio program tonight. When I get back I'll post it here so if anyone is also a classical buff, they can play the whole program themselves if they have the same music!

Wil be back to babble later :)



  1. Tried to post a comment. I think the internet ate it. Anyway, I was saying, come to this page and put in your comments like the rest of us.

    Also, get back on that horse and whip it into shape. You got some busy days for a granny!

  2. You don't have to go to a special screen to comment. Pretend you're visiting your own blog and comment like you would as a visitor.

    Just pull up the screen we see and scroll down to where it says post a comment. (If there are already comments, it will say (for example) 6 comments.)

    Just click there and type. It's the same way we comment on your blog.

    Nothing to it!

    :) ~ Corra

  3. Lucky you for having an Aldi near you... Perth hasn't got into the 21st Century yet :S
    2 hours and 20 years behind the rest of the country.

    It was 47 here yesterday, (117F) and even the air conditioning was struggling.

    So glad I found your blog, through Tirzah's. I started a new blog this year, written from my cat's perspective LOL check it out if you like ..
